CEO COVID-19 Update

March 19, 2020
To our valued patients:
These are unprecedented times. As a result of the COVID pandemic, we are being asked to make changes to our daily routines. We are ultimately being asked to help slow the spread of this virus. While the virus is unlikely to significantly impact the average, healthy person, it can have devastating health effect for the elderly or people with a weakened immune system. We all must do our part to slow and prevent the broad transmission of the virus until our health systems have time to develop a vaccine.
To do our part, CATC has mandated ‘social distancing’ and implemented many precautions to keep our staff and our patients safe. As a result, your experience in our clinics and pharmacies will change over the coming weeks. You may be asked to:
- Change your appointment to a less busy clinic time;
- Wait outside vs. in the waiting room;
- Accept telephone check-ins from your doctor vs. an in-person visit; and,
- Strongly consider using only our in-house pharmacy services.
These ‘asks’ are an effort to keep our clinics safe and open. I am 100% confident that CATC is taking all the right steps to keep you safe and cared for. We please ask that you closely follow social distancing protocols and keep all your care within the clinic (pharmacy and medical). We do not want to expose you to other clinical/community settings at this time.
If the virus starts to spread quickly, we may have staff taking more sick time. In some cases, it may mean that we need to adjust our operating hours. When this time comes, we will be posting daily updates on our website to keep you informed. In all cases, we are committed to do everything we can to stay open, including hiring back up staff in case our staff need time off.
Thank you for your patience and support through these difficult times; and thank you in advance for recognizing our staff for their hard work and determination!
If you have a question or are looking for more information, please call our toll-free number
(877) 937-2282 to speak with our Care Coordinator.
Sonya Lockyer