• AA
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  • Info line for new patients:


    Brampton Clinic

    118 Queen Street West, Suite 301, Brampton Ontario, L6X 1A5


    (905) 450-6679
    Fax: 905-450-7741


    Info line for new patients: 1-877-937-2282

    Office hours

    As part of the Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres clinic network, you can find OATC Brampton’s up-to-date hours here.

    Parking is located in the parking lot of the building.


    Pharmacy hours

    Monday to Friday 7:00am
    – 5:00pm
    Saturday & Sunday 9:00am
    – 1:00pm


    Brampton is suburban city north of Mississauga in the Greater Toronto Area. The Brampton Clinic is only minutes from the city centre.
