• AA
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  • Info line for new patients:


    Bracebridge Clinic

    500 Hwy 118 West #5, Bracebridge Ontario, P1L 1T4


    Phone: 705-645-1677
    Fax: 705-645-2101


    Info line for new patients: 1-877-937-2282

    Office hours

    As part of the Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres clinic network, you can find OATC Bracebridge’s up-to-date hours here.

    Parking available in the plaza. Located in between Staples and Dollarama.

    Community services

    Needle Exchange Program offered onsite, in partnership with the Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit. Ask any of our staff for your confidential safe information or exchange today.


    Bracebridge is central Ontario town built around a waterfall on the Muskoka River. The town is a centre of tourism for the Muskoka area, and home to several historical sites.
