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    What it’s like being a methadone doctor

    What it’s like being a methadone doctor

    I recently had lunch with Dr. Andrew Worster, an old friend from my emergency days 25 years ago. He works at an opioid addiction clinic in Cambridge, Ont., and still does ER shifts at Hamilton General Hospital. He works in the ER one or two eight-10-hour shifts per week but doesn’t do night shifts any more so he enjoys the two jobs.

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    Affecting change in addiction medicine

    Affecting change in addiction medicine

    Dr. Michael Franklyn wears many hats in the field of medicine. As a family doctor in Sudbury for almost 25 years, Dr. Franklyn recalls fearing for the life of a female patient in 2002; she was using methadone and forced to travel weekly to Toronto for care.

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    How can I tell if someone is struggling with Opioid Addiction?

    How can I tell if someone is struggling with Opioid Addiction?

    Opioid Addiction is a tragic crisis that is impacting not only Canada, but all over the world. Opiates cover a huge variety of drugs, ranging from legal drugs such as fentanyl, codeine, and morphine to illegal drugs such as heroin and opium. What is concerning is that prescription opiate abusers are far more likely to eventually develop a heroin addiction than a non-opiate abuser, as illegal drugs will offer a similar high at a cheaper price....

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    Recovery Day to bring awareness, support and hope

    Recovery Day to bring awareness, support and hope

    Tara Edeh from the Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres and founder of Recovery Day, Annie McCullough shed light on Recovery Day dedicated to help out people coming out of any kind of addictions. – video courtesy of BT Breakfast Television. .    

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